Guide to the Birds of Hawaii – Oahu and More!

Nene Goose birds of Oahu Hawaii
Hawaii Aloha Travel > Blog > Guide to the Birds of Hawaii – Oahu and More!

Calling all bird enthusiasts! Birds of Hawaii Oahu are a sight to see, whether it’s the common birds you’ll see throughout town or the rare ones hidden in remote locales. 

Birds of Hawaii Oahu

A lot of people who come to Hawaii expect to see rare, tropical birds cruising the malls, hovering in the trees and swooping from the ridges. Sorry. You may have seen that in a movie, but it doesn’t actually ever happen here. 

There are “bird guys” wandering around in Waikiki and stationed in the International Market Place who have exotic birds on their shoulders and on perches with whom you can have your picture taken, but don’t expect a wild parrot to land on your towel on the beach.

What Birds Will You See in Hawaii?

Eagles, hawks, and owls are around and can be seen occasionally, if you happen to be looking in the right direction. (You will be looking around a lot while you’re here because there’s so much to see.)

Yes, we have our parrots and cockatoos, but they generally hang out where you aren’t likely to spot them, and you surely won’t be able to get up close and personal. 

Some arboretums and reserves keep them available for your at-a-distance scrutiny, and there actually are guided bird tours on Oahu, Kauai, Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii. 

The state bird, the Nene Goose, likes the Volcano area on the Big Island, and you can see one there, maybe (Look for the animal that looks like a typical goose). Unfortunately it’s hard to find the state bird of Hawaii on Oahu. But there is good news: the Nene recently dropped its endangered classification. Now it’s considered a conservation success story!

Everyday Birds of Hawaii Oahu

Most of the birds we see every day are pretty ordinary. And we have our pests, as you do. 

Mynah Birds

mynah bird

One of the most common birds in Hawaii is the Mynah. They’re black and brown birds with yellow bills and yellow legs. They’re also incredibly invasive. Though they were introduced to Hawaii in the 1800s to help with worm infestations, they quickly became their own kind of infestation as they spread weeds, cause a lot of noise, and carry allergens. 


These are common birds in lots of places, and Oahu Hawaii is no exception!

Pigeons and doves hang out where visitors accumulate, especially around the food concessions, and they want you to feed them (though feeding them is sometimes illegal here!


Here in Hawaii, lots of our homes are on the water. Ducks have learned that kids like to feed ducks. We discourage our kids from feeding ducks because it’s hard to get rid of them (the ducks) after they’re fed. Ducks are real pests with the noise they make and the deposits they leave behind when they finally leave.


Egret in Hawaii

Egrets are white and pretty, looking a little like small swans. They hang out on the backs of horses and cows. They also make their way into residential neighborhoods and pick for bugs at newly mowed lawns and common areas.

Backyard Birds of Oahu Hawaii

The most common backyard birds in Hawaii are the Mynah, which we talked about earlier. But you’ll see others hanging around in gardens and yards. 

The cardinal is always a favorite to spot in Hawaii – its red is a beautiful contrast to the greens and blues that define our landscape here. The small finch is also common here. 

Seeing the Birds of Hawaii Oahu

All in all, we don’t get too excited about birds in Oahu Hawaii. If you’re a bird watcher and would be excited by the 300 or so species we have doing their things on our islands, contact Hawaii Aloha Travel. We’ll fix you up with experts who will take you to where you can see and photograph the ones that fascinate you most.

By the way. No robins in Hawaii. We don’t need them to tell us when spring is here. Spring feels a whole lot like winter and summer and fall in Hawaii.