Calling all bird enthusiasts! Birds of Hawaii Oahu are a sight to see, whether it’s the common birds you’ll see throughout town or the rare ones hidden in remote locales. Birds of Hawaii Oahu A lot of people who come to Hawaii expect to see rare, tropical birds cruising the malls, hovering in the trees […]
Read More→So you enjoy your cocktails and you’re wondering about Hawaii’s laws and restrictions. You’re aware that several states have legislated rules that can affect your drinking pleasure. For instance, 33 states permit persons younger than 21 to consume alcohol or to consume it under certain circumstances. 24 states, including Hawaii, permit adults age 18 or […]
Read More→When you vacation on Oahu, the center of attraction is Waikiki. Even if you stay in a remote resort area such as Turtle Bay or Ko Olina, you expect to see some action in Waikiki before you go home. That’s where the glitter and the glamour are. Downtown gets bypassed way too much, except to […]
Read More→If you’re planning to be on Oahu during your Hawaii vacation, check to see what might be going on at the Waikiki Shell. The Shell (full name: Tom Moffatt Waikiki Shell) sits in beautiful and spacious Kapiolani Park with Diamond Head as a backdrop and Waikiki Beach at the opposite end. It’s an attractive outdoor […]
Read More→You undoubtedly will have the opportunity to try poi during your Hawaii vacation. It’s served at all the luau, often appears as a breakfast staple (like home fries or toast), and is available at all the restaurants that offer Hawaiian fare. True locals consider poi as their “staff of life” the equivalent of bread in […]
Read More→There are seemingly endless beaches on the Big Island of Hawaii, each one boasting unique features and beautiful scenery. Today we’re highlighting our favorites! Visiting the Beach on Your Hawaii Vacation It’s pretty much a given that you’ll be hitting the beach on your Hawaii vacation, even if it’s just to have your picture taken. […]
Read More→Unless you’re into quilting as an avocation, it’s likely that quilts aren’t a large part of your consciousness. Here in the islands, a Hawaiian quilt is considered a treasure, whether you’ve received one as a gift, bought one or made one yourself. Long before the first Westerners reached the islands, the Hawaiian people were making […]
Read More→Dolphins are represented everywhere in Hawaii. You’ll see them in murals, paintings and sculptures. They’re on the holding ends of swizzle sticks in bars, forming the bases of lamps in hotel rooms and decorating the walls of lobbies and cocktail lounges. It’s more than likely that you’ll see real live dolphins on your Hawaii vacation. […]
Read More→If you like to ride horseback and think you will have few, if any, opportunities to indulge while you’re in Hawaii on vacation, you are mistaken. Those of us who live in the islands like to ride, too. (In our vernacular, we like to “ride horse.”) Our kids start riding early and take lessons from […]
Read More→Oahu’s Leeward Shore – the westernmost area of Oahu – is rarely visited by vacationers, even though it’s truly beautiful. (It was used for principal filming of the 1965 movie “Hawaii.”) It’s a long drive, and there aren’t many attractions apart from the beaches themselves. The loveliest among those beaches is the isolated Makua Beach, […]
Read More→One of the most common questions we are asked is whether there is gambling in Hawaii. The short answer is no however, there are many reasons why and many theories on this issue. Hawaii is only one of two states that has no legalized gambling of any kind. That means no lotteries, horse races, sports […]
Read More→The clutter of billboards in the city of Los Angeles is notorious. They have more than 3,000 ILLEGAL billboards littering their streets and hillsides. On the other coast, Manhattan’s Times Square sports a Target billboard measuring 23,000 square feet. That’s half a football field. Some billboards across the country actually promote travel to Hawaii. The […]
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