Hawaii Vacation Blog

Who Are the Top Singers in Hawaii Today?

There surely will be evenings during your Hawaii vacation when cocktails, a nice dinner and then some good music will seem like a good idea. When such an evening arrives, you’ll be wondering just who the hot singers are. After all, the popular local acts are pretty-much unheard of on the mainland now that Don […]

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A Very Interesting Historical Attraction For Your Hawaii Vacation

It sounds like a kids’ game today, but in Ancient Hawaii, when kapu (taboos) were the law of the land, it was a desperate race for survival. It was easy then to commit a capital crime. You might have wandered onto land reserved for only chiefs. You might have eaten forbidden fruit or meat. The […]

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A Pineapple Oasis In A Hawaiian Luau

If you’re very fortunate, you’ll be invited to a private luau at the home of a kamaaina family, people whose families have lived in the islands for generations. The music you hear will be authentic and touch your soul. The smiles you see will be authentic. The hospitality will be heart warming. And the food […]

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See Petroglyphs On Your Hawaii Vacation

When they become aware of Hawaii’s petroglyphs during their vacations, visitors often ask us if petroglyphs are “like hieroglyphics.” Well, not exactly. The difference is really basic. Hieroglyphics comprised a means of communication, a language; petroglyphs are art, or if you prefer, graffiti. And while hieroglyphics were rendered in several media, petroglyphs were always carved […]

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Will You Encounter Pot on Your Hawaii Vacation?

### UPDATE March 8, 2016 ### “Pot Tourism” is a real travel industry niche, and Hawaii laws have yet to catch up with the statistically verifiable benefits of allowing marijuana to be available to responsible, non-medical proponents. In Colorado, for example, tax revenue from the legal sale of marijuana far exceeds that of the revenue […]

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Will You Watch TV during Your Hawaii Vacation?

It’s pretty hard to avoid television, even on your vacation, even though there are accommodations in Hawaii with no in-room TVs. With that in mind, here are some observations about TV in Hawaii. As is probably true where you live, local television programming isn’t very good. There simply isn’t enough money for stations or entrepreneurs […]

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Richard Kimi: Hawaii Must Not Forget This Man

A true Hawaii tourism hero Uncle Billy will be remembered. His name was Richard Wassman Kimi. He did not do a specific heroic thing, but what he did lastingly affected Hawaii tourism. Back in the mid-1950s, Kimi, who lived in Hilo on the Big Island, noticed that the tourists who came to the island arrived […]

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Iao Valley on Maui is Worth a Look or Hike

The island of Maui is loaded with magnificent resorts (Kaanapali, Kapalua) and quaint areas where it’s easy to settle in, hang out, and never get abroad to see the rest of the island. But if you’re inclined to explore and sight-see, you’ll want to drive to Iao Valley in Central Maui. That’s where you’ll find […]

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Hawaii Hangover Cures

Here in Hawaii, we know how to drink. Does that mean you should trust Hawaii hangover remedies?  Hawaii is a great place to drink with our friends, meet new friends, and celebrate… well, practically anything.  We gather around TVs in early-opening bars first thing in the morning to catch sporting events (time changes mean East […]

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How to See Fern Grotto Kauai

Fern Grotto is one of Kauai’s most popular attractions. Accessible only by boat, this secluded, encaved area is a treasured part of the island’s past and a beautiful sight to see.  What is Fern Grotto? Fern Grotto is a secluded open cave near the Wailua River on Kauai. As the name suggests, it’s a lush […]

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Some Idiosyncrasies of Hawaii

Many of those of us who live in Hawaii, when we move into a new home or open a business or a business office, have it blessed. When ground is broken for a new construction project of any kind — corporate or private — the land is blessed. It’s not necessarily religion or superstition, it’s […]

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Yes, it’s rainy season in Hawaii, but it’s no big deal!

Okay yes, it is rainy season in Hawaii, but it’s really not a big deal. When you plan your vacation, you probably take into consideration the natural phenomena that might interfere with your comfort. There are non-skiing areas where heavy snow is inevitable. There are hurricane belts and tornado regions; rainy seasons and times of […]

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