Aloha Bruce and Emmy Award-winning Lanai Tabura offers Tips for getting married in Hawaii. Lanai is “ordained” and is able to legally marry people in the State of Hawaii. Bruce and Lanai briefly discuss the turmoil caused by a new vacation rental law that is affecting many Hawaii residents and visitors. They will tackle that complicated on their next podcast.
As for weddings in Hawaii, Lanai says that Hawaii is one of the world’s popular destinations for weddings. He notes that Hawaii is becoming especially popular in the LGTBQ community. Bruce notes that Hawaii Aloha Travel can help couple get all the necessary licenses and permits for destination weddings in Hawaii.
Aloha Bruce talks about the fact that many couples from Japan choose Hawaii for their wedding because it is significantly less expensive than weddings in Japan. Lanai says that many Japanese couple have their wedding ceremony in Hawaii and hold their receptions when they get back home to Japan.
Bruce talks about the many options for weddings in Hawaii. Some may be religious, others nonreligious. Hawaii weddings can run the spectrum from quite simple to lavishly expensive. Our hosts discuss the process of obtaining a marriage license in Hawaii through the Department of Health. They also note some other requirements to get married in Hawaii.
Lanai talks about his experience in officiating a number of different types of weddings. Bruce notes requirements for divorcees and the spouses of those who are deceased. “Wait for the ink to dry!” Lanai jokes.
Bruce says that choosing an island for your wedding. Bruce says he and his wife Yaling were married on Oahu and describes the process of a simple Hawaii wedding. Lanai says that many Hawaii resorts and vacation properties that offer wedding services on every island and mentions Four Seasons Resorts with special areas dedicated to weddings. Bruce says many of those types of weddings being quite expensive.
Our hosts list a number of popular wedding destinations and Tips for getting married in Hawaii, and Bruce says Maui Boutique Weddings is a fine operation. Bruce also says that Oahu is the best island for weddings for a number of reasons. Aloha Bruce and Lanai talk about their service to custom create a unique and beautiful marriage proposal.
The Queen Kapiolani Hotel is mentioned as Bruce explains how wedding costs can accumulate quickly. Bruce mentions Angela Keen as an excellent officiant and reminds listeners that Hawaii Aloha Travel offers the full range of wedding services, including the officiant, permitting, and catering.