Are you worried about Hawaii storms? Many people watch radars as they plan their trips to the islands, especially during hurricane season or if they’re making big outdoor plans. But it can be hard to tell how bad the weather gets in Hawaii, and how often storms come through. The good news is that it’s […]
Read More→Should you be concerned about flesh eating bacteria in Hawaii? Vibrio vulnificus is a rare bacteria found in Ala Wai Canal, a Honolulu waterway you don’t want to swim in. But there are other forms of bacteria lurking in Hawaii’s water. Here’s where you don’t want to swim, and how to protect yourself from illness. […]
Read More→Have you ever experienced a rip current in Hawaii? Let’s learn about these dangers that lurk in our waters, and how you can stay as safe as possible. There’s nothing more relaxing and rejuvenating than swimming in Hawaii’s crystal blue ocean. But, beneath the waves are powerful forces that could be dangerous, especially for visitors […]
Read More→Discover the beauty of Hawaiian tide pools – but only when the ocean is calm and conditions are perfect! Used to be, I thought we only had two options when it came to swimming in Hawaii: Head to the pool or head to the beach. Not so! There’s actually an in-between option: Hawaii’s magical tide […]
Read More→Remember when Zika was the big virus dominating the headlines? Though other illnesses have since dominated the news circuit, Zika is still a threat and a problem in certain regions of the world. But what about your vacation to Hawaii? Our tropical environment and prevalent mosquito populations make many visitors and residents fear a Hawaii […]
Read More→Sunburn in Hawaii — it happens to even the most careful travelers. The island’s proximity to the equator and our endless outdoor activities are the perfect recipe for lobster-hued skin. Read on to learn all about our favorite remedies for a classic Hawaii sunburn. From Sun Tan to Sun Burn in Hawaii Hawaii is the […]
Read More→Hawaii cliffs are some of the most famous and beautiful sights in the world. How about climbing one during your next Hawaii vacation? The Lure of Cliffs Many people seek adventure during their vacations. It’s as if some internal heartstring tugs at us to get up and explore. We feel encouraged to discover new terrain, […]
Read More→Have you heard of Stinging Seaweed? If so, you may wonder if it’s a danger during your Hawaii vacation. Let’s find out! Lyngbya: The Hawaii Stinging Seaweed Venturing into Hawaii waters soon? Hopefully you know to exercise caution in the picturesque Hawaiian shorelines. But, do you know about the dangers of Stinging Seaweed? Lyngbya, a […]
Read More→One of our favorite sights to see in Hawaii is a blowhole. These magnificent wonders display the power of the ocean, set against a beautiful backdrop. If you want to see a Hawaii Blowhole, we’re here to help! Blow Your Mind at a Hawaii Blowhole A blowhole, in the context we’re discussing, is a fascinating […]
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