Planning a Multigenerational Family Vacation to Hawaii

Hawaii Aloha Travel > Podcast > Planning a Multigenerational Family Vacation to Hawaii

On our latest Hawaii Vacation Connection Podcast Aloha Bruce offers his expert insight into planning a multigenerational family vacation in Hawaii. With Lanai Tabura traveling the world at the time, Bruce flies solo on this podcast.

Hawaii Aloha Travel handles a large amount of group and family tours. Bruce notes that family groups should consider whether they plan fine accommodations together or if the group might be willing to find different places to stay.

Bruce notes that it is generally cheaper for family groups to stay together when considering a multigenerational family vacation in Hawaii. He notes the likely price range for a multigenerational family often. Bruce also talks about transportation options and says that often renting more than one vehicle for a large group allows for more flexibility. He reminds listeners that when arranging transportation for a large group or family, it’s important to consider the amount of luggage brought on the trip.

Bruce also notes the importance of booking well in advance and looking into travel waivers and refundable packages. He says there are often hidden charges and fees that apply to online bookings, and that by booking with Hawaii Aloha Travel, you are guaranteed to know what you are getting ahead of time and without any surprises on your bill.

Aloha Bruce also advises listeners to work with experts like Hawaii Aloha Travel for a multigenerational family vacation in Hawaii, as often online reviews of properties and activities can be inaccurate or even flatly false. Bruce encourages listeners to engage in the comments section and over social media. Hawaii Aloha Travel works directly with our clients with a personal touch and the kind of expertise you simply cannot receive from online reviews.