Have you been to a crack seed store in Honolulu? These shops offer great treats and a unique experience. What is Crack Seed? Crack seed is a Hawaii snack with a taste that is, well, acquired. Generally speaking, it is a Chinese food item, imported with Chinese sugar plantation workers who arrived in Hawaii in […]
Read More→Have you seen bags of Kakimochi at the grocery store in Hawaii – or even at the movie theaters? We’ve got lots of fun info about this popular Hawaii treat and other unique treats you’ll find in the islands. Hawaii’s Most Unique Snacks Now that I’ve been a resident for a while, strolling along the […]
Read More→You’ve got a lot of great food to try in Hawaii. There’s kalua pig roasted in an underground imu oven, and poi pounded from taro roots. You’ll likely get authentic Hawaii poke while you’re here, along with local fruits and juices. One must-try Hawaii snack is li hing mui (lee-HEE-moo-EE). It’s a culmination of the […]
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