Roseanne Barr Hawaii Farm & the World’s Most Expensive Nuts

Roseanne Barr Hawaii Farm
Hawaii Aloha Travel > Blog > Roseanne Barr Hawaii Farm & the World’s Most Expensive Nuts

Wondering about Rosanne Barr and her Hawaii farm? The TV star owns a 40-acre macadamia nut farm on the Big Island. It has over 4,000 trees, so it’s a pretty big operation!

The farm had its own Lifetime reality television series called “Roseanne’s Nuts.” 

Rosanne Barr’s Hawaii farm is an organic macadamia nut farm in Hamakua. While you can’t visit Roseanne’s nut farm, you can check out the Mauna Loa Visitor Center and Hamakua Nut Visitor Center for tours, samples, and goodies to bring home.

The Price of Nuts (& Coffee)

Considering the price of macadamia nuts, it’s no wonder that Rosanne Barr simply decided to open her own Hawaii farm. 

Two things that visitors (and locals) go crazy for in Hawaii are the Kona coffee and the macadamia nuts. Both are produced locally on the islands, also producing a large price tag. 

But just because a product is produced and sold in the same location, does that mean the price should drop dramatically? Probably not. Because good quality stuff is good quality stuff, no matter where you purchase it from. 

However, there are ways to sample Kona’s coffee and Hawaii’s macadamias simply by visiting the farms across the islands. Most businesses welcome visitors anyway!

Roseanne Barr Hawaii Farm & Alternatives

So, unfortunately, you can’t visit the Roseanne Barr Hawaii farm, but you can visit other nutty places!

There’s a farm store in Kaneohe called Tropical Farms of Hawaii that sells local macadamia nuts and coffee. 

I don’t think that macadamia nuts vary in price too much from Hawaii to the mainland. For example, an 8 oz. bag of macadamia nuts at a Hawaii ABC store costs around $14, and a similar size bag at Whole Foods in California costs around $12. These highly prized nuts are scarcer on the mainland than in Hawaii, so next time you’re visiting, be sure to stock up!

2 plastic bags of Macadamia Nuts

All About Hawaii Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts were first imported into Hawaii in 1882 and quickly became a commercial crop. Hawaii has become the largest exporter of macadamia nuts, providing 95% of the world’s crop. But just because Hawaii grows them on island doesn’t make them cheap! In fact, it’s been said that macadamias are the most expensive nut in the world. 

This could be because macadamia nut trees have to grow for 7-10 years before they actually begin producing nuts, or it could be because getting them out of their shells in their whole form is extremely difficult and time-consuming (and requires 300 pounds of pressure to crack the shell!). Or it could be because of its rich, buttery flavor that is loved by so many. Whatever the reason, these nuts are pricey.

Other Hawaii Farms (Beyond Roseanne Barr)

We’re not sure if Rosanne Barr is looking to expand her Hawaii operations, but if so coffee would be a great idea for her. 

Kona coffee is a hot item, whether you want a Hawaii souvenir or simply want a tasty brew during vacation. 

100% Kona coffee is a rare commodity that only grows on the Big Island in north and south Kona. A few factors come into play with this unique bean, including high elevation, constant cloud coverage, and rich volcanic soil from Hualalai Volcano. All these factors help create the ideal environment for harvesting Kona coffee. 

But just because it’s rare doesn’t mean you won’t find Kona coffee farms everywhere. Kona is home to hundreds of coffee farms, many with tours offered to the public.

The Draw of Coffee & Mac Nuts

Sure, you likely won’t be like Rosanne Barr and buy a Hawaii farm to grow macadamia nuts, but it’s a great product to buy while you’re here!

Kona Coffee and macadamia nuts are treasures of the islands. They are unique to Hawaii, making them popular conversation topics, not to mention souvenir items. 

But if you can’t resist the rich smell of Kona coffee brewing or the buttery flavor of macadamias, then buy yourself some while you’re visiting, and be sure to enjoy it on the island!


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