Fishing the Kona Coast

Hawaii Aloha Travel > Blog > Fishing the Kona Coast

Recently, the Freuchte family signed up for a full day of charter fishing with Kona Family Fishing Charters. Kermit, his wife Ann and son Jack had done quite a bit of fishing on the eastern seaboard but not much else, so this experience in Hawaii was quite special.

(Top) A fishing adventure on the Big Island. (Bottom) Jack’s first catch, which is also a tasty one.

After our early morning orientation, crewman Ryan Lutes casted off the stern and bow lines, and we were off to find some fish at about 7 a.m. Our initial plan was to try and lure a beautiful Ono (wahoo) to the boat for Jack, some offshore fishing for smaller yellowfin tuna and maybe even a mahimahi for Ann on her fly-rod.

The family was enjoying our breakfast and Kona coffee when the long rigger came down hard and a beautiful 25-lb. Ono screamed off line from the reel. In short order, 12-year-old Jack was fitted into the fighting chair as he started reeling in the fish. Before we knew it, the fish was along side the boat. Ryan secured the fish and safely packed it on ice. The fish was a beautiful specimen and many photos were taken of its “zebra-like” striped pattern. Ono are abundant in Kona waters during spring and summer months. Ancient Hawaiians must have thought that this was an excellent fish, as they named it after its ono (delicious) taste.

Fishing poles in place for some big game in Kona.

After a slow couple of hours, I suggested to Jack and his parents that maybe we should go back inside and fish the inshore reefs for some exotic reef species. They agreed, and we set off for the Kona airport area.

Both Ann & Kermit were catching fish and having a blast watching Jack do the same. After about 30 minutes, Kermit hooked into something BIG, in about180 feet of water. It was surely putting on a good fight against the lightweight spinning reel. When the fish finally came to the surface, we recognized it was a prized Uku (Grey Snapper). Uku are wonderful eating and great fighters. These fish are rarely seen in restaurants or markets because fishermen usually prefer to share with family and friends. Firstmate Ryan filleted the fish, packed them on ice for the family and gave Ann cooking and sashimi (sliced raw fish) instructions. Fresh Ono sashimi and grilled Uku were on the menu tonight.

VIDEO: Dive right into a first-hand fishing experience in Kona.

KONA FAMILY FISHING • • 808-333-4699 or 808-960-2225

Guest post by Lee Cochran, Owner of Kona Family Fishing Charters, LLC Follow him on Twitter @konafamfishing

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