Invasive Seaweed Taking Over Kaneohe Bay

A wide shot of Kaneohe Bay with water like glass
Hawaii Aloha Travel > Blog > Invasive Seaweed Taking Over Kaneohe Bay

It simply doesn’t get more beautiful than this.

Kaneohe Bay is a pristine bay on the windward side of Oahu. Many people enjoy fishing and kayaking, while others just come here to enjoy its peace and quiet. But below the surface, an invasive species has been lurking.

The species is a seaweed that has been smothering the reef for quite some time. it grows really quickly and has been taking over the bay. This is eerily similar to fast-spreading bacterial disease that has been taking over Hanalei Bay on Kauai. Kaneohe Bay has experienced similar infections that made the coral sick.

Luckily, we have a wonderful team of scientists and researchers who have been working hard to battle both unfortunate elements. They’ve been using native sea urchins to target the seaweed. In fact, the state has been growing thousands of them since discovering sea urchins as their secret weapon.

In addition, the state has been using a “super sucker” to vacuum up the algae with a giant hose. I’ve watched them do this before. It seems to be very tedious but at the same time, a sustainable measure, since the algae is eventually given to local farmers for compost.

One thing is for sure, make sure not to step on those little sea urchins now abundant in Kaneohe Bay. They’ll poke you with their spines and release a poison that instantly numbs you. Usually, it is recommended that you remove any remnants of the wana and soak in rubbing alcohol.